10 tips to pick the best study music

Usually students need quite environments when it comes to concentrating and studying for their exams. But what things can help us with this issue? Are all the sayings about Mozart’s masterpieces real os is it just a myth? You can find out here! In this post I will be providing you some tips on how to choose the perfect music to help you achieving this goal as quickly as possible and hopefully start getting better grades 😉

Maybe next time you have to calm down and start studying for your finals you will remember some of these. Have a look!

Tip #1

“Classical music is peaceful and harmonious making it one of the best options to listen to when studying.”

1. “Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music” September 9, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Patrick at this site.


If you are studying while listening to your music and suddenly find yourself singing along to the lyrics, this might be a sign that you might have to change into something smoother. Lyrics can easily get us distracted while trying to read our notes and we might just think of them instead of the important thing, so why not give classical music a try? It is quieter and will get our brain back to business and to relax.

Tip #2

“It seems that there is evidence that Mozart improves mental performance. They call it the “Mozart Effect.”

It has long been argued whether it is a positive thing which will improve a baby’s intelligence while still in his mum’s womb. However, Mozart was indeed a genius and some of his masterpieces could be a very good choice when it comes to studying.

“The phrase “the Mozart effect” was coined in 1991, but it is a study described two years later in the journal Nature that sparked real media and public interest about the idea that listening to classical music somehow improves the brain. It is one of those ideas that feels plausible. Mozart was undoubtedly a genius himself, his music is complex and there is a hope that if we listen to enough of it, a little of that intelligence might rub off on us.”

2. “Does listening to Mozart really boost your brainpower?” 8 January 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Claudia Hammond at this site.

Tip #3

“Listen to ambient instrumental music. This type of music is more modern than classical and has a similar effect. Movie soundtracks are quite good.”

1. “Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music” September 9, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Patrick at this site.

Although this is still some kind of classical music, it is also worth to give some of these a try. Some of them are really emotional and slow while others are the complete opposite. It is completely up to you which style to choose and fits you better for concentrating on your books. Here are some suggestions:

Tip #4

“Listen to sounds of nature such as rain, waves, jungles or animals while studying. While this is not exactly music it is relaxing and you will feel like you’re in another world.”

1. “Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music” September 9, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Patrick at this site.


Tip #5

“Music for studying – the effect of Mozart. You’re studying, not crashing a rave! Listen to your study music at a moderate volume. The lower the better. The louder it is, the more it will distract you. Your main purpose is to study so keep your music in the background. When you’re finished studying then you can crank it up to 11!”

1. “Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music” September 9, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Patrick at this site.


Even if you are trying to use your music not to get distracted with sounds from the outside it might turn out to be counterproductive if the volume is too high. You could get distracted and it is far more important to focus on your notes rather than only listening to music.

Tip #6

“Create a playlist with all your favourite songs in advance to avoid having to search for new songs every 5 minutes.”

1. “Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music” September 9, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Patrick at this site.


This will save you time, allow you to plan how long your study session will be and help your level of concentration while you study. Besides, if you are listening to music you really like this will also help you relax and concentrate and not needing to change it but when it is finished.

Tip #7

“Do not listen to music on the radio when studying. The dialogue of the presenters and ads will distract you. You should have complete control of your study music.”

1. “Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music” September 9, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Patrick at this site.

Besides, if you want to change broadcasting stations to listen to a different type of music this will also distract you from your studies and make you lose time. Listening to music on the radio is never a good idea when studying.

Tip #8

“Make playlists that last for 40 to 50 minutes. When the playlist ends, this will act as a reminder to take a short break from studying.”

1. “Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music” September 9, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Patrick at this site.


Tip #9

“Listen to music before you go to bed or before an exam.”

1. “Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music” September 9, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Patrick at this site.


This will make you feel relaxed the next morning and put you in the right state of mind right before going to your exam. Besides, if you choose slow music it will help you falling asleep and get more hours of sleep which is crucial right before an exam.

“Forget counting sheep, next time you are having trouble dropping off to sleep try putting on a jazz CD. Researchers have shown just 45 minutes of relaxing music before bedtime can make for a restful night.”

3. “Listen to music to help you sleep” Wednesday, February 2, 2005, 10:23 GMT. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Jim Horne at this site.

Tip #10

“While choosing the best music for studying is important, you should avoid spending hours selecting the songs.”

1. “Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music” September 9, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Patrick at this site.


What really matters is not choosing the best music in the world but that your study is productive. Playing playlist might be a very useful practice because it will save you time and you will not have to worry about changing songs or types of music.



  1. “Music for Studying: 10 Tips to Pick the Best Study Music” September 9, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Patrick at this site.
  2. “Does listening to Mozart really boost your brainpower?” January 8, 2013. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Claudia Hammond at this site.
  3. “Listen to music to help you sleep” Wednesday, February 2, 2005, 10:23 GMT. Retrieved January 12th, 2015. Posted by Jim Horne at this site.

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